Miami County, Kansas: Home to a Vibrant Republican Party
Our purpose
To support the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, the Constitution and laws of the State of Kansas, and the laws of Miami County, to the end that the government shall be truly and in fact, a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
To support the principles, objectives, and platforms of the Republican Party of Miami County, of the State of Kansas, and of the United States of America.
To develop and maintain a strong, effective, and informed Republican Party in Miami County, the State of Kansas, and in the United States of America,
To encourage able and qualified Republicans to seek office at all levels of government, particularly in Miami County, Kansas.
To work for the election of Republican candidates to offices at all levels of government.
To develop viewpoints and positions on local, district, state, and national issues and to seek implementation of these viewpoints.
To ensure elected Republican officials in partisan and non-partisan offices adhere to the platform of the Republican Party in Miami County, the State of Kansas, and in the United States of America.
Paid for by Miami County Kansas Republican Party
Adeline Dowling, Chair
Brian Dowling, Treasurer